Monday, 19 May 2014

QScrollArea squashing its contents

If a QScrollArea is squashing its contents when resized instead of adjusting the scrollbar, set widgetResizable to false.

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

UNIQUE constraints in SQLite FTS (FTS3/FTS4) tables

The correct way to do this:
CREATE VIEW playlist_view AS SELECT * FROM playlist;

CREATE TRIGGER insert_playlist INSTEAD OF INSERT ON playlist_view
    SELECT RAISE(ABORT, 'column user_id is not unique') FROM playlist 
        WHERE user_id=new.user_id;
    INSERT INTO playlist (from_user, from_id, created_time, 
                          created_time_formated, user_id) 
    VALUES (NEW.from_user, NEW.from_id, NEW.created_time, 
            NEW.created_time_formated, NEW.user_id);

-- And you do the insertion on the view 
INSERT INTO playlist_view (from_user,from_id,created_time,created_time_formated,user_id) SELECT ...;

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Custom Build Tools in Visual Studio

Custom Build Tools in Visual Studio

You can compile non-standard file types with arbitrary programs in Visual studio by specifying a Custom Build Tool. But often the tool expects to be running in the same directory as the target file, and it won't be, it will be running in the Project directory. And multiline batch commands are not allowed in Visual Studio 2012.

So we use the START batch command to specify the directory with /D, followed by the exe and its parameters:

START "title" /D"%(RootDir)%(Directory)" "win_flex.exe" "%(FullPath)"

Property Sheets in Visual Studio are super-important.

If you are making a lot of projects in Visual Studio and having to set up a lot of project options, you need Property Sheets. Go to the Property Manager window, and you can create .props files here that whole projects or individual configurations can inherit from.

Sunday, 4 May 2014

Effect groups - grouping techniques in DirectX 11 Effects

See for details, but in general, in .fx:

fxgroup Group1
     technique11 Tech1 { ... }
     technique11 Tech2 { ... }
and in C++:
pEffect->GetTechniqueByName( "Group1|Tech2" );
pEffect->GetGroupByName("Group1")->GetTechniqueByName( "Tech1" );

Thursday, 1 May 2014

Unity - making sure changes to a ScriptableObject are saved

After reimporting or changing a ScriptableObject-derived asset, call EditorUtility.SetDirty(obj) on the object and its .asset file will be saved.