Thursday 14 November 2019

Resolving conflicts between Qt versions

The trueSKY plugin for Unreal uses Qt dll's for UI. Unfortunately so do some other plugins. Because Windows just uses whichever version of a dll was loaded first, this leads to (for example) crashes in trueSKY UI because it tries to access the wrong parts of a dll loaded by Quixel Megascans.

To solve this we recompile Qt using the switch  -qtlibinfix to modify the output filenames. Thus instead of Qt5Core.dll we get Qt5Core_simul.dll etc.

No more conflicts!

UPDATE: To compile Qt, follow the instructions at For example, for me on Windows, I must git-clone the repo, install perl (!) and call perl init-repository.

Then, I create a subdirectory BUILD_DIR at subdirectory "build/x64". From there, I call:

call ../../configure.bat -qtlibinfix %QT_INFIX% -prefix %BUILD_DIR%\qtbase -skip qtwebengine -developer-build -%reldeb% -force-debug-info -no-warnings-are-errors  -L kernel32 -opengl desktop -opensource -make libs -make tools -nomake examples -nomake tests -platform win32-msvc -confirm-license -no-compile-examples -qt-zlib -plugin-manifests -no-angle -qt-freetype -qt-libjpeg -qt-libpng -D U_STATIC_IMPLEMENTATION %INC% %LIBDIRS% %IC%

QT_INFIX is _simul, while INC LIBDIRS and IC are extra compile options.

Finally, we run nMake to build Qt.