Thursday, 17 November 2016

Flex/Bison error lines compatible with Visual Studio

Flex and Bison can be built from source, to be found at To get errors and warnings that you can double-click in Visual Studio, you can modify the code as follows:

In the file bison\src\location.c, find the function unsigned location_print (location loc, FILE *out) - and replace it with:

location_print (location loc, FILE *out)
  unsigned res = 0;
  int end_col = 0 != loc.end.column ? loc.end.column - 1 : 0;
  res += fprintf (out, "%s",
                  quotearg_n_style (3, escape_quoting_style, loc.start.file));
  if(0 <= loc.start.line||loc.start.file != loc.end.file||0 <= loc.end.line)
      res += fprintf (out, "(");
  if (0 <= loc.start.line)
      res += fprintf (out, "%d", loc.start.line);
      if (0 <= loc.start.column)
        res += fprintf (out, ",%d", loc.start.column);
  if (loc.start.file != loc.end.file)
  // Ignore: Visual Studio can't cope with this case.
  if(0 <= loc.start.line||loc.start.file != loc.end.file||0 <= loc.end.line)
      res += fprintf (out, ")");
  return res;
That fixes it for Bison. For Flex, in flex/src/parse.c, change the function line_pinpoint( str, line ) to
void line_pinpoint( str, line )
const char *str;
int line;
 fprintf( stderr, "%s(%d): %s\n", infilename, line, str );

My branch incorporating these changes is here.

Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Using Sublime Text with FASTBuild

Sublime text can be used to run FASTBuild, with this build script. Save this as "FASTBuild.sublime-build", in your user AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages\User directory (or Mac/Linux equivalent location).
 "cmd": ["C:/Simul/master/Simul/External/FASTBuild/FBuild.exe","-config","$file"]
 ,"file_regex": "(.*)\\((.*),(.*)\\): FASTBuild (Error .*)$"
 ,"selector": "source.bff"
By using the selector "source.bff", it should match up automatically with the syntax (below), but I've not quite figured this part out yet. Here's a preliminary Sublime Text syntax for FASTBuild. Call it "FASTBuild.sublime-syntax" and save it in the same directory.

%YAML 1.2
name: FASTBuild
file_extensions: [bff]
scope: source.bff

    - include: scope:source.c#comments

    - match: "[^\"]"
      scope: string
    - match: \"
      pop: true
      scope: string
    - match: \"
      push: instring
      scope: string

    - match: "[^']"
      scope: string
    - match: "'"
      pop: true
      scope: string
    - match: "'"
      push: inquotes
      scope: string

    - match: "\\.(\\w*)"
      scope: keyword
    - match: "^\\s*(#\\s*\\binclude)\\b"
        1: keyword.control.include.c++
    - match: "^\\s*(#)\\s*\\b(import)\\b"
      scope: keyword.control.c

    - include: scope:source.c#incomplete-inc
    - include: preprocessor-macro-define
    - include: scope:source.c#pragma-mark
    - include: preprocessor-includes
    - include: preprocessor-import
    - include: comments
    - include: preprocessor
    - include: strings
    - include: quotes
    - include: variables
    - include: global
    - match: \b(if|else|for|while)\b
      scope: keyword.control.c