If for example, you've added lib files by mistake to a large git repo, and want to remove them, but don't know the exact paths, use this:
git ls-files *.lib>lib.bat
Then in lib.bat you may have e.g.:
Add git rm --cached to the front of each line, then run the batch file and commit the result.
Thursday, 2 August 2018
Thursday, 21 June 2018
How to make a custom Wizard for Unreal Editor
I wanted to create a wizard in the trueSKY Unreal plugin that would make it easier for users to add trueSKY to UE scenes. I was following this video where Epic's Michael Noland describes various ways to modify the Editor. So I made a custom Property Editor window with settings to select a sky sequence, create a TrueSkyLight etc.
But it didn't look very friendly. And implementing a wizard-style Apply button just put a button in amongst the other settings - not great. After some searching in the UE codebase, I discovered the SWizard class that Unreal Editor uses for its own wizards. Here's what you do:
1. Create a class derived from SCompoundWidget containing a TSharedPtr<SWizard>. Mine looks like this:
DECLARE_DELEGATE_FourParams( FOnTrueSkySetup, bool, ADirectionalLight* ,bool, UTrueSkySequenceAsset *);
The SLATE_ARGUMENT macros allow initialization of named parameters in this style:
etc. This is super-useful.
2. Create a callback for the wizard to execute:
If the main frame exists parent the window to it. The main frame should always exist...
So by adding new +SWizard::Page() elements we add pages to the wizard.
5. Finally, implement the callback that the delegate calls when you click "Finish":
The end result looks like this:
Full source for this is at our UE branch, (register at Simul to access).
But it didn't look very friendly. And implementing a wizard-style Apply button just put a button in amongst the other settings - not great. After some searching in the UE codebase, I discovered the SWizard class that Unreal Editor uses for its own wizards. Here's what you do:
1. Create a class derived from SCompoundWidget containing a TSharedPtr<SWizard>. Mine looks like this:
DECLARE_DELEGATE_FourParams( FOnTrueSkySetup, bool, ADirectionalLight* ,bool, UTrueSkySequenceAsset *);
#define S_DECLARE_CHECKBOX(name) \
bool name; \
ECheckBoxState Is##name##Checked() const { return name ? ECheckBoxState::Checked:ECheckBoxState::Unchecked;} \
void On##name##Changed(ECheckBoxState InCheckedState) {name=(InCheckedState==ECheckBoxState::Checked);}
class STrueSkySetupTool : public SCompoundWidget
/** A TrueSkyLight actor performs real-time ambient lighting.*/
/** TrueSKY can drive a directional light to provide sunlight and moonlight.*/
/** If there's no directional light in the scene, you can create one with this checkbox.*/
/** The TrueSKY Sequence provides the weather state to render.*/
SLATE_ARGUMENT(UTrueSkySequenceAsset *,Sequence)
/** Event called when code is successfully added to the project */
SLATE_EVENT( FOnTrueSkySetup, OnTrueSkySetup )
/** Constructs this widget with InArgs */
void Construct( const FArguments& InArgs );
/** Handler for when cancel is clicked */
void CancelClicked();
/** Returns true if Finish is allowed */
bool CanFinish() const;
/** Handler for when finish is clicked */
void FinishClicked();
void SetupSequenceAssetItems();
void CloseContainingWindow();
/** The wizard widget */
TSharedPtr<SWizard> MainWizard;
FOnTrueSkySetup OnTrueSkySetup;
The SLATE_ARGUMENT macros allow initialization of named parameters in this style:
TSharedRef<STrueSkySetupTool> TrueSkySetupTool = SNew(STrueSkySetupTool).OnTrueSkySetup(OnTrueSkySetup1).CreateTrueSkyLight(true);
etc. This is super-useful.
2. Create a callback for the wizard to execute:
FOnTrueSkySetup OnTrueSkySetupDelegate;3. Create a window for the widget. This function is called when the menu option to start the wizard is selected:
void FTrueSkyEditorPlugin::OnAddSequence() { TrueSkySetupWindow = SNew(SWindow) .Title( NSLOCTEXT("InitializeTrueSky", "WindowTitle", "Initialize trueSKY") ) .ClientSize( FVector2D(600, 550) ) .SizingRule( ESizingRule::FixedSize ) .SupportsMinimize(false).SupportsMaximize(false); OnTrueSkySetupDelegate.BindRaw(this,&FTrueSkyEditorPlugin::OnTrueSkySetup); TSharedRefTrueSkySetupTool = SNew(STrueSkySetupTool).OnTrueSkySetup(OnTrueSkySetupDelegate); TrueSkySetupWindow->SetContent( TrueSkySetupTool );
If the main frame exists parent the window to it. The main frame should always exist...
TSharedPtr< SWindow > ParentWindow; if( FModuleManager::Get().IsModuleLoaded( "MainFrame" ) ) { IMainFrameModule& MainFrame = FModuleManager::GetModuleChecked<imainframemodule>( "MainFrame" ); ParentWindow = MainFrame.GetParentWindow(); } bool modal=false; if (modal) { FSlateApplication::Get().AddModalWindow(TrueSkySetupWindow.ToSharedRef(), ParentWindow); } else if (ParentWindow.IsValid()) { FSlateApplication::Get().AddWindowAsNativeChild(TrueSkySetupWindow.ToSharedRef(), ParentWindow.ToSharedRef()); } else { FSlateApplication::Get().AddWindow(TrueSkySetupWindow.ToSharedRef()); } TrueSkySetupWindow->ShowWindow(); }4. Implement the setup tool:
BEGIN_SLATE_FUNCTION_BUILD_OPTIMIZATION void STrueSkySetupTool::Construct( const FArguments& InArgs ) { OnTrueSkySetup = InArgs._OnTrueSkySetup; CreateTrueSkyLight=InArgs._CreateTrueSkyLight; DirectionalLight=InArgs._DirectionalLight; Sequence=InArgs._Sequence; ...The interface to build the actual UI is really interesting. By overloading the [] and + operators, Epic lets you specify the widget structure like so:
ChildSlot [ SNew(SBorder) .Padding(18) .BorderImage( FEditorStyle::GetBrush("Docking.Tab.ContentAreaBrush") ) [ SNew(SVerticalBox) +SVerticalBox::Slot() [ SAssignNew( MainWizard, SWizard) .ShowPageList(false) .CanFinish(this, &STrueSkySetupTool::CanFinish) .FinishButtonText( LOCTEXT("TrueSkyFinishButtonText", "Initialize") ) .OnCanceled(this, &STrueSkySetupTool::CancelClicked) .OnFinished(this, &STrueSkySetupTool::FinishClicked) .InitialPageIndex( 0) +SWizard::Page() [ SNew(SVerticalBox) +SVerticalBox::Slot() .AutoHeight() [ SNew(STextBlock) .TextStyle( FEditorStyle::Get(), "NewClassDialog.PageTitle" ) .Text( LOCTEXT( "WeatherStateTitle", "Choose a Sequence Asset" ) ) ] +SVerticalBox::Slot() .AutoHeight() .Padding(0) [ SNew(SHorizontalBox) +SHorizontalBox::Slot() .FillWidth(1.f) .VAlign(VAlign_Center) [ SNew(STextBlock) .Text(LOCTEXT("TrueSkySetupToolDesc", "Choose which weather sequence to use initially.") ) .AutoWrapText(true) .TextStyle(FEditorStyle::Get(), "NewClassDialog.ParentClassItemTitle") ] ] ] +SWizard::Page() [ ... ] ] ] ]; }
So by adding new +SWizard::Page() elements we add pages to the wizard.
5. Finally, implement the callback that the delegate calls when you click "Finish":
void FTrueSkyEditorPlugin::OnTrueSkySetup(bool CreateDirectionalLight, ADirectionalLight* DirectionalLight,bool CreateTrueSkyLight,UTrueSkySequenceAsset *Sequence) { ... }
The end result looks like this:
Full source for this is at our UE branch, (register at Simul to access).
Tuesday, 10 April 2018
Signing installers with certificates
Windows Defender has recently decided to falsely mark all of our installers as containing some virus or other.
It'll be a long long while before they get around to questioning whether their algorithms are in fact, "full of it", as they say, so let's see what happens if we sign our executables using a root certificate.
First, get a certificate, from Comodo. This takes weeks while they check whether an arbitrary non-governmental organization, Dun and Bradstreet, regards your company as genuine. Just check with Companies House? Way too simple!
So you need to get a DUNS number from D&B, then buy a certificate from tucows/Comodo.
After jumping through their hoops (which don't seem to be very secure to me, just cumbersome), you'll get a .crt file.
Then https://support.citrix.com/article/CTX221295 will tell you how to convert your crt to a pfx.
Finally, use the pfx and signtool.exe (in the Windows SDK) to sign your executable.
It'll be a long long while before they get around to questioning whether their algorithms are in fact, "full of it", as they say, so let's see what happens if we sign our executables using a root certificate.
First, get a certificate, from Comodo. This takes weeks while they check whether an arbitrary non-governmental organization, Dun and Bradstreet, regards your company as genuine. Just check with Companies House? Way too simple!
So you need to get a DUNS number from D&B, then buy a certificate from tucows/Comodo.
After jumping through their hoops (which don't seem to be very secure to me, just cumbersome), you'll get a .crt file.
Then https://support.citrix.com/article/CTX221295 will tell you how to convert your crt to a pfx.
Finally, use the pfx and signtool.exe (in the Windows SDK) to sign your executable.
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